Tired Tuesday Roll Call

IdaMae D.
on 1/9/12 7:33 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning PA!

Today is day two heading towards a 3 day weekend - WOO-HOO...This coming Monday is a holiday for our company.  I am so looking forward to no work, no school, and then there are no holidays until May.....I'm going to have to get out my calendar and figure out what days I'm taking off, currently I'm thinnking Good Friday and Easter Monday....We shall see.

Working today till 4ish.  Was late getting out of work yesterday.  I'm working on a project with another department to streamline their process of receiving work.  The woman I was working with yesterday was telling me once this new process is up and running she has no idea what she will be doing, however, she is pretty sure her current position is going away.  Instead of thinking of heading into a better position she was talking about hoping to be allowed to go back to her old or a similar postion to her old one.  I told her she's thinking in the wrong direction she needs to look for a position that is equal or better than what she is currently doing - in business one never wants to go back always look forward and upward.   She thanked me for helping her see that her skills and talents are worth looking into positions other than going back.

After work home to the treadmill - have had a steady date with my treadmill since last week.  So far nothing is changing in that area.  I know it will kick in once my body decides that is what it wants to do.  I got my blood work report yesterday, all my levels are low normals, doc said to keep going as I am and to repeat the blood work in 6 months.

I did poke my nose out the door this morning - seems pretty cold out there...

Hope you all have a wonderful day and stay warm....



Lisa H.
on 1/9/12 9:25 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Good for you for helping your coworker see that she is worth more than she was giving herself credit for!! Sometimes we all need that from someone else. 

This morning I am feeling the pain of last night's workouts.  I did the Biggest Loser fitness test followed by a moderate workout.  Then, I tried to go to spin class, but there were no bikes left by the time I got there.  SO, I got on a bike out in the gym and rode a bit over 5 miles in 20 minutes.  I finished off the night by stretching it out in Pilates.  The pain is a welcome sign that I've been slacking and need to get my butt back in gear.  Today I am going to look at the Biggest Loser game again because I am pretty sure I saw a yoga workout on there.  If not, I KNOW there is an upper body workout that I can do.  My arms are not sore, yet.. lol.  

After my Aetna day, I will be running the mom/dr taxi.  Siehara has an orthodontist appointment at 3:30 and then therapy at 4. We shouldn't have a problem making it to both, as long as the orthodontist is on time.  I did not have the orthodontist appt on my calendar for some reason, so I'm glad they called to remind me.   From there, I guess we'll go out to a diner for dinner because she has a med check/ appt with the new psychiatrist back at Kids Peace at 6.. oye.  

When we get home from there around 7,  I will play one of the dance games with Siehara.  I have to work tomorrow and Thursday nights, so this will be a great time for us to spend together.  She was playing something last night when I got back from the gym and was telling me how out of breath she was from it.  I'm so happy we got the Xbox.. fun way to work exercise into both of our lives. 

My tracker


Patricia R.
on 1/9/12 9:53 pm - Perry, MI
 Good Morning Ida and PA,
I got home from the hospital around 6:30 last night.  I am so grateful for the prayers and encouragement I have received from so many of you here, and on Facebook, and the OFF Forum.  My healing is going to be complicated by the fact that I have to be on Coumadin, and I have really bad circulation in my legs.  My leg is improving, but progress will be slow, and I must be patient.  I will be hearing from a visiting nurse sometime today.  I also brought home a walker, which I need.  

Today, I have to make some phone calls to doctors, and await the visiting nurse.  Their job will be to change the dressing on my leg.  I am also going have to decide if I also want physical therapy, as I am already walking a lot in my apartment.  My apartment is long.  

I hope everyone has a blessed day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Lisa H.
on 1/9/12 11:10 pm - Whitehall, PA
 Glad you're home Trish.. hope the healing isn't too bad.  

My tracker


on 1/9/12 10:14 pm

GM Ida and PA!!

Only have a moment to post....found out I need to cover a class for a teacher who has a meeting!! Nothing like NO notice to cover a class. Thank goodness for You Tube!!! LOL!!

Yesterday we got our new front and storm doors! They look SO nice!! Of course, now the house number sign looks like crap, but all in due time!! I actually have a storm door that closes completely, locks AND has a retractable screen for those nice days!!! The front door looks really nice too! I posted a pic of them on FB!

Today is wor****il 3:30 then I finally get to see my therapist @5!! Been too long!!! After that, dinner, homework, bath, relax and bed!

Have a great day!!
Love to all, Beth


Lisa H.
on 1/9/12 11:08 pm - Whitehall, PA
 The house number is easy enough to fix.  I'm sure you can repaint the numbers black, at least for now, if you are looking to replace them completely.  

Glad you have a new door!

My tracker


on 1/10/12 12:31 am

I will replace them eventually...the doorbell is broken too!! Ahh, the joys of homeownership!!

Thanks! I LOVE IT!!!!

Love, Beth

on 1/10/12 12:00 am - Philadelphia, PA
 Good morning Ida and all of PA - It is nice and chilly out there this morning.  However, the temps are going up to 50ish today.  UGH!  I need it cold for this weekend.  (It is heading in that direction!)

I am home from DC and in my classroom.  So far so good as I was out Friday and Monday....I did put away all of my things so that they would not be stolen.  I advised the 8th grades that I was doing that based on what happened in Ocotber.  The 7th grade I did not make aware as it was that class that stole from me.  In any event, I am glad to be back.  Looking forward to talking with the kids about what my high schoolers did in DC and how I even opened my mouth and discussed the state of education in PA.  

You may have read on FB what I did, but in case you missed it and are DYING to know....(eye roll)...The staffer in Senator Casey's office advised the kids and I that he works on Education in the office.  He then said something about how what he is working on now is revising the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.  He started to talk about how inner city schools, as in Philadelphia, are different that those in more rural areas.  And he opened the floor....well, I knew that it was not anything that the kids had researched or wrote about or even knew was going to come up, but seeing as he opened the floor, I HAD to say something.  The majority of you know my feelings as a Urban public school parent and teacher.  I started to talk about the standardized testing situation.  How, when we are told to teach differently, and that the schools he was talking about ARE different, then HOW is it EVER ok to assess them in one cookie cutter way.  I got a bit heated - I feel I was polite but VERY strong in my convictions.  I also asked where the educators voice was in the negotiations of NCLB.  He said something about the NEA being involved (National Educators Association) and then he said things about unions and the Principals.....My response was that while all that is nice - and I am glad that the NEA is involved but administration is administration....they need to hear the people on the front lines - and those were the words I used, Front Lines!  My students even started talking about their experiences with the PSSA standardized testing - and how in 10th grade they are already nervous about it over a year away as they know it is a HUGE indicator for college acceptance and it frustrates them that they should already be concerned about it when there are so many other school stressors that they have to deal with.  I was so proud of them.  This was not anything planned or researched, they just talked about their experiences and why the ONE test should not be the only thing students are measured by.  (and as an aside - I only got choked up a few times while they were presenting!)  LOL!

Anyway - enough of that - I am at school.  Started writing this about 8:30 then had a meeting to go to.  Today is getting back to some sort of school stuff. (Going to be talking about DC for each class as they, 1, want to know and 2, want to get out of doing math....I'm no dummy!  :)  Afterschool I am going home, running Emily to Hebrew School ,coming back home for a little, getting Molly and heading back to the synagogue to teach.  Tonight, Larry is home after his first day back on day shift!

Happy Tuesday y'all!
Sara E.
on 1/10/12 2:11 am - Pennsylvania Furnace, PA
Good afternoon PA!
Today I tried to give blood at work but my iron was low.  That is odd, becasue it has never been low.  Anyway, after work I will be working out with one of my besy friends, Ashlee.  We have had great success working out together since the end of November.  Hope you all have a great day!



on 1/10/12 3:39 am - Boothwyn, PA
Afternoon all - still home feeling puny - I just have no energy at all but I have to get to work tomorrow if for no other reason than a change of a scenery. Hubby went back to work today so hopefully I'll be back on my feet tomorrow.

Monday is a holiday for me as well so I also have a 3 dayweekend coming up. We also get Presidents day in February and Good Friday in April so except for March I have a holiday every month for a while.

Nor much else going on for me - I'm pretty boring these days.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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